Adding stylish under-cabinet lighting to your kitchen remodel is a crucial step in upgrading it. It brightens dark spots, makes your countertop better for working, and sets a cozy mood. Plus, it boosts your home’s value easily. This guide helps you pick out the best under-cabinet lighting for you. We’ll talk about lamp types, where to get power, colour temperature, how it looks, and how else it can serve your kitchen!

Types of Under-Cabinet Lighting

There are many options for upgrading your kitchen remodel with under-cabinet lighting. You can choose from LED light bars, puck lights, and tape or rope lights. The choice you make can really change how your kitchen looks and works.

cabinet lighting for kitchen renovation

LED Light Bars

LED light bars give a smooth light across your countertop. They are very energy efficient and come in easy-to-install varieties, and are a very popular cabinet lighting choice right now. You can choose between hardwired, plug-in, or battery-powered.

Hardwired Light Bars

Electricians install hardwired light bars straight into your home’s power. This makes your lighting look neat and tidy, without any visible cords or batteries.

Plug-in Light Bars

For a simpler setup, plug-in light bars can be easy to do yourself. All you need is an outlet. This option is great for kitchens where you can’t or don’t want to change the wiring.

Battery Powered Light Bars

Battery-powered lights work well for kitchens that are already finished. You can install them yourself, with no wiring needed. They offer a lot of flexibility.

Puck Lights

Puck lights focus light in specific areas under your cabinets. They can work on hardwiring, plugging in, or using batteries. This variety makes them very adaptable.

Hardwired Puck Lights

Electricians can put in hardwired puck lights for a seamless look. It’s a tidy and secure way to light up under your cabinets and make your kitchen look and work better.

Plug-in Puck Lights

DIY-friendly plug-in puck lights just need an outlet. They’re also affordable for those not wanting to do a lot of electrical work. They’re a great option for many!

Under-Cabinet Light Strips

Light strips are an easy way to get even light under cabinets. They fit well and look good. You can find them in LED versions with different power sources.

Tape Lights

Tape lights are simple to install and stay hidden under cabinets. They light up space evenly. These work perfectly for lighting up counters with an unobtrusive look.

Rope Lights

Rope lights give off a softer, ambient light. They’re flexible and can be shaped as needed. This creates a cozy atmosphere in your kitchen.

With so many under-cabinet lighting options, you can find the best fit for your kitchen. Whether you choose LED bars, puck lights, or tape/rope lights, you’ll improve your kitchen’s look and use.

cabinet lighting kitchen reno

Factors to Consider When Choosing Under-Cabinet Lighting

Choosing under-cabinet lighting for your kitchen involves many important factors. It’s crucial for balancing task lighting and ambient lighting. A well-thought-out selection can make your kitchen both beautiful and practical.

Task Lighting or Ambience

Decide what you want from under-cabinet lighting. Do you need it mainly for tasks like cooking or to add a warm glow? It all depends on what you use your kitchen for and the atmosphere you want to create.

Lamp Type and Power Source

The type of bulbs and where they get their power matters. LED, halogen and fluorescent bulbs are popular for their own reasons. You can power your lighting through wiring, plugging in, or batteries, each with its own set of benefits.

Colour Temperature

Consider the effect of colour temperature. LED and fluorescent lights add a modern, cool vibe. If you prefer a warm, cozy feeling, choose halogen or xenon bulbs. Pick a colour temperature based on your kitchen’s current style and what you like.

which under cabinet lighting should i get for kitchen

Fixture Profile and Placement

The design and placement of light fixtures are also key. Hidden lights give a seamless look, while others provide directional light. Where you put lights affects how well they highlight your space. Think about both looks and function when choosing.

Add-ons and Functionality

Don’t forget about extras like dimming or motion sensors. These features can make your lighting more adaptable and efficient. They’re great for customizing your space and getting the most out of your investment in a kitchen upgrade.

Under-Cabinet Lighting for Your Kitchen Remodel

Adding under-cabinet lighting is crucial for any interior remodel. It makes the area look brighter and more functional. It helps to see better, especially in dark spots. Plus, it gives a cozy feel to the space. Using warm metals such as brass is trendy now. There’s also a big choice of styles and finishes. To light up your kitchen properly, mix different lighting types, and take a ‘must have’ step; put lights under your cabinets.

Under-Cabinet Lighting Installation Options

When looking to install under-cabinet lighting, you have three main choices. You can choose from plug-in, battery-operated, or hardwired lights. Each type has its own benefits and things to think about.

Plug-in Lights

Plug-in under-cabinet lights are easy to set up and very popular. You just put them where you want, and plug them in nearby. This makes them perfect for do-it-yourself projects without needing an electrician. They’re also good for people who move a lot or like to change their setup.

Battery Operated Lights

If you don’t want to deal with wires, battery operated10 lights could be your answer. They run on batteries, so you don’t need to connect them to your home’s power. You can put them anywhere and move them when needed. But, you’ll have to change the batteries sometimes to keep them working.

Hardwired Lights

Hardwired lights are a more fixed choice, but they look sleek and professional. They’re part of your home’s electrical system. An electrician can handle the setup for you, as it involves working with your home’s wiring. Though more work at the start, they are a lasting solution with a tidy look.

Choosing how to install your lights also depends on your skills, budget, and the lights themselves. Plug-in and battery options are good for those who want a straightforward setup. For a more polished look, hardwired lights are better, especially if you’re hiring a pro. Think about what your kitchen remodel needs and what you find manageable.

Countertop Considerations

Choosing under-cabinet lighting depends a lot on your countertop material. For instance, matte surfaces like concrete create soft, even lighting. Meanwhile, shiny ones such as granite might reflect light more and cause glare.

Matte vs Glossy Counters

Light-coloured countertops, no matter their finish, reflect more light. This makes the under-cabinet lights seem brighter and more evenly spread out. But, dark counters might need brighter lights to look well-lit. So, the material and finish of your countertops are key when picking under-cabinet lights.

Light vs Dark Counters

Granite is a great choice for busy kitchens due to its toughness against heat, scratches, and stains. On the flip side, quartz offers lots of colours and patterns, combining practicality with looks. But no matter the material, make sure it fits with your life, style, and upkeep needs. This way, your kitchen will not only look good but also work well.

under cabinet lighting ideas

Perfect Kitchen Remodel with Under-Cabinet Lighting

Adding under-cabinet lighting can really change how your kitchen looks and works. With the right lights, you can highlight areas where you work, set a warm mood, and make tasks easier.

When picking your under-cabinet lights, think about what works best for your Mississauga kitchen remodel. You might choose LED bars, puck lights, or strip lights. Each has its own benefits for your space. Renovating your kitchen is a perfect time to fix safety issues and make it a better place to cook. This includes adding smart storage to make your kitchen more efficient. A great kitchen not only makes you happy but also attracts people when it’s time to sell your place.

Using lights and devices that save energy is a smart move. This can help cut down on your energy use and bills. A well-planned kitchen update can also make cooking and cleaning easier every day, leading to a more pleasant experience. For more information about kitchen remodeling and under-cabinet lighting, please contact us! Working with experts like Kitchen and Bath Reno in kitchen remodeling can help you achieve the design you dream of and that fits your personal style.